Despite being somewhat technically deficient, I sensed a gaping need for yet another crafty/DIY blog. Sorry! but why am I apologizing (because I'm Asian)? you don't have to read this. Go watch some porn.
Craft blogs are my porn. My craft obsession started with knitting, and knitting seems to go hand-in-hand with blogging. I think we knitters just like to show off our stuff, and we need to blog about it since none of our real-life friends care. Or it's not that they don't care, but they may not appreciate how f*ing hard it is to make some of this stuff. I am addicted to Ravelry because most of my friends are not knitters, and so I need virtual friends to share my knitting woes and triumphs with. But now I can post my projects into the virtual ether that is the blogosphere. I'm taking it to the next level!
I am also obsessed with design/DIY blogs since I recently became a homeowner. Ack! I'm still getting used to the fact that I can describe myself that way. One thing I've noticed about these blogs, however, is that they are usually married women with children. They build or refurbish beautiful furniture and rooms from nothing, but they often have husbands to help with the heavy lifting and scary power tool work, in spacious basement workrooms or garages. All of which is great! I do not begrudge married people or kids. But I am unmarried and really have to do most of this myself. I have a boyfriend, and I have wonderful friends, but it's not quite the same. And I have no power tools, very weak upper body strength, and no garage to get dirty. I barely know the names of the tools in my toolkit but I'm willing to look stupid and try. Because that's sort of my general rule in life - try new things, even if they make you look dumb - especially if they make you look dumb - or you will never learn anything. And your life will be boring!
Anyway, I digress. This blog will be mostly about my adventures in decorating my condo, with the occasional post about knitting, food, or my dog (a few of my favorite things). Speaking of which, here is my dog!

Coming soon to a blog near you (i.e. this one): pictures of my weekend paint job: from bedroom to boudoir!
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